1. Ocean Data Specialists

ODSL procures precise wind, wave, and hydrodynamic data tailored to your project's needs.

We rigorously validate all data against measured sources in the area, ensuring reliability.

Characterization of the site area and regional climatology allows you to understand the wider context.

ODSL will procure the metocean data and calibrate it against trusted measured sources, the above plots show two of the calibration methods comparing the body of the data (top) and the quantiles (bottom).

ODSL employs cutting-edge and industry-standard techniques to characterise your site.

We have foundational knowledge of generalised extreme value distribution so that you can trust the extreme and design winds, waves and currents.

We define constructability of sites, considering metocean conditions, distance to ports, project type, known ground conditions and more.

The plot above shows experimental results of a normalised height exceedance (black dots) against two theoretical distributions (Bocotti and Rayleigh).

ODSL's proprietary weather downtime model, Aventis, expertly models offshore campaigns.

Aventis seamlessly handles any type of offshore campaign and can input diverse metocean data.

Embracing open-source principles, we've made Aventis and its source code freely accessible for all. Any improvements made by any user will be shared with everyone. With this philosophy we hope to make Aventis the go-to offshore installation model.

Get a better understanding of your offshore campaign with interactive plots straight from Aventis. The example plots here show the probabilistic range of completion dates in our unique plume plot (top), inter annual variation of downtimes (middle) and the parameters that have caused the weather downtime (bottom).

ODSL have designed the installation strategy for some of the largest offshore infrastructure projects.

We use our installation modelling expertise as a solid foundation for programme optimisation.

We consider non-weather risks such as fabrication, noise and soil to deliver the optimal installation strategy for your project.

Understand how to best plan your offshore build with plots that show the campaign duration’s sensitivity to start date (top), or indeed optimise your entire offshore project by finding the lowest cost strategy with inputs such as minimal floats between campaigns (bottom)

ODSL have a number of on-going R&D projects.

Our current interests are as varied as: sub-sea machine vision for object identification, automated campaign cost optimisation, forecast refinement, mooring line integrity prediction and of course Aventis, which we use daily.

Get in touch if you’d like to collaborate on an R&D project.

Metocean Awareness training: build up your team’s basic understanding of metocean analysis. Windfarm development: learn how to best build a windfarm with a half-to-full day course on fixed and floating windfarm development.

Metocean Awareness training: Equip your team with a solid understanding of metocean analysis.

Windfarm development: Master the art of developing an offshore windfarm through our intensive half-to-full day course on fixed and floating windfarm development. Gain specialised insights into windfarm installation strategies.

Metocean Awareness training: build up your team’s basic understanding of metocean analysis. Windfarm development: learn how to best build a windfarm with a half-to-full day course on fixed and floating windfarm development.

Ocean data science
Offshore modelling